Reclaiming South Georgia By Tony Martin and Team Rat


This is the story, in word and image, of the SGHT Habitat Restoration Project fieldwork that took place on South Georgia in three phases (in 2011, 2013 and 2015), baiting every inch of rodent-infested land on the island. Much work remains to be done in the coming years to check if every rodent has indeed gone and this book has been created to raise funds for this crucial monitoring phase of the project. Every photo in the book was taken by a member of Team Rat, and the story is a personal account by Project Director Professor Tony Martin of the challenges and triumphs involved in routing the furry invaders.

Click here for a review of the book in British Birds magazine September 2016

Named 6th best bird book of 2016!!
“Every year, British Birds and the British Trust for Ornithology get together to review the best bird books to appear during the previous 12 months....

The story of this hugely ambitious and challenging project is skilfully told in this book with a highly readable text that has been married with many superb photographs. Having introduced the islands and their importance for birds, the book summaries the huge problems caused by the introduced Brown Rats Rattus norvegicus and then explains how they were dealt with, from the initial planning stages through to completion of the project. The work carried out is already starting to pay dividends, though further checks are required to make sure that the islands really are now completely free of ‘furry invaders’. Proceeds from the book will help to raise funds for this monitoring work, providing an additional reason (if you needed one) for investing in this book.”


Extract from cover notes: “In stunning imagery and text, Reclaiming South Georgia tells the inspiring story of how a globally important wildlife haven, badly damaged by human intervention, was set on the road to recovery by humans of a later generation. … In a world of seemingly endless bad news about the environment, this is a rare story of hope and success in the face of huge challenges."

Product Code Bk1111
Weight 1.084kg